星期三, 11月 28, 2007

世遺中心的正式回覆 Reply from UNESCO World Heritage Centre


Dear Sir/Madam,
Attention: League of the Guia Lighthouse Protectors, Macao SAR, China

Colleagues, we have the pleasure to acknowledge your letters of 21 August and 31 October 2007 to UNESCO regarding the state of conservation of the Historic Centre of Macao in the People’s Republic of China. From UNESCO side, we had officially transmitted in mid-September 2007 your expression of concerns to the Chinese authorities for their appropriate urgent action. Meanwhile, all the documentation was transmitted to the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) for its review and comments.

Although we highly appreciate your efforts in safeguarding the historic urban landscape of Macao , we can HARDLY treat all your requests on this issue through different sources of communication (mass e-mails, correspondence etc.). In this context, we could only acknowledge receipt of your messages/correspondence through this circular.

I thank you very much for your understanding and co-operation.

With my best regards.

Asia and the Pacific Section
UNESCO World Heritage Centre
